Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today is our wedding anniversary – time has flown! I love having known Frankie since we were 12 years old, living and learning and enjoying every minute of it.

I love our family trips to Costco, night-time drives for ice-cream, Sunday drives for sweets after Mass, taking time to pray together, reading books to each other during long drives, and late-night movie watching. I cherish the uncontrollable laughter when we’re being silly, the ache during difficult times and being able to look at each other and thank God we have the strength to endure anything together, the breathtaking beauty of our children and the awesome responsibility we have of raising them, the hours spent together cleaning up after sick children, even when we were sick ourselves, and, in the midst of it all, thanking God for yet another beautiful day that He has given us.

O God, we thank you that you have given us another year of life together. We thank you for the love which grows more precious and for the bonds which grow more close each day. We thank you for the happiness we have known together; for the sorrows we have faced together; for all the experiences of sunshine and of shadow through which we have come, up to today.

We ask for forgiveness for any failure on our part for any times when we became difficult to live with; for any lack of sympathy and understanding; for anything which spoiled even for a moment the perfect relationship which marriage should be. Spare us to each other to go on walking the way of life together and grant that for us it may be true that the best is yet to be: Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

To the biggest love of my life - Happy Anniversary!! And to quote Winnie the Pooh, "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you." :o)

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