Monday, November 8, 2010

The Gift of an Ordinary Day

Every now and then, I don't think I have anything to post. Nothing crazy or especially exciting has happened. Just our ordinary days. But then I remember what a gift we have in our ordinary days and I have to give thanks for them. I wouldn't change them for all the riches of the world!

Here's the Micster - just being her usual smiling self.

Three kiddos trying to fit on one toy car.
The twins...

What Rafa looks like when Gabriela's behind the camera
And what Gab looks like when Rafa's behind the camera...

And then the beautiful sunrise we woke up to this morning... Can you see the star?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Goofing around with the kids is always fun - but since Halloween was on a Sunday, it ended up being pretty low key for us - but the kids still had fun! Rafa really didn't want anything to do with dressing up - he preferred to stay in his Thomas the Train clothing. So it was Gabriela that ended up actually dressing like Thomas at first, and then she did a wardrobe change so she could wear the skirt that Aunt Mary sent her! She's always ready to wear any costume.

Gabriela LOVED twirling around in this skirt and watching it spin!

Then on November 1st, we celebrated All Saint's Day. I had intended for Rafa to wear a little St. Francis costume I threw together and Gab to dress as an Angel, but she preferred St. Francis (with the little animals attached to the shoulders) and Rafa preferred (you guessed it) his Thomas t-shirt. No biggie - they had fun anyway!

Finally, seeing Micaela's perpetual smile makes me think of Mother Teresa's saying, "We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do." So, in honor of Mother Teresa...